Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Friday's Miscellany 08-29-2024

 38 North

 Africa Center for Strategic Studies

 Air University Press

  • Journal of the Americas, 2024, v. 6, no. 2 
    • Idealizing a Space Cluster in Alcântara, Brazil
    • Trafficking for a Cause: A Historical Analysis of Cuban Governmental Involvement in the Western Hemispheric Drug Trade
    • US Disaster Response Aid in US Southern Command Region: An Effective Tool for Maintaining Primacy in a Disaster-Prone Strategic Arena with China?
    • The Intersection between Military Leadership and Bioethics
    • The Impact of the Political Orientation of Latin America, on the Advance of the People’s Republic of China in the Region
    • Honduran Air Power

 AI Now

 American Enterprise Institute (AEI)

 American Security Project (ASP)

 Amnesty International

 Arab Center for Research & Policy Studies

 Arctic Institute

 Arms Control Association (ACA)

 Army Cyber Institute (ACI)

  • Cyber Defense Review, Summer 2024, v. 9, no. 2 
    • Data In The Cybersecuirty Landscape
    • Cyber Data Sanitation: A Cyber Revival at the Heart of the Next Data Battle
    • The Importance of Analytic Superiority in a World of Big Data and AI
    • Emerging Technologies for Data Security in Zero Trust
    • An Introduction to Quantum Computing and Its Applications
    • Data as Ammunition
    • Overcoming the Labeled Training Data Bottleneck: A Route to Specialized AI
    • Leadership Matters

 Army University Press

  • Military Review, July- August 2024, v. 104, no. 4 
    • 2024–2025 Dubik Fellows: Demonstrating the Pen Is Mightier than the Sword
    • The NATO Strategic Concept on Its Seventy-Fifth Anniversary
    • Who in NATO Is Ready for War?
    • NATO’s Most Vulnerable Flank, but Not for the Reasons We Think
    • From the Hindu Kush to the Banks of the Dnieper: NATO’s Promise and Peril in a New Reality
    • North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    • Architects of Training: Assessing How TRADOC Makes Soldiers for the All-Volunteer Force
    • Marketing Authoritarianism: How Putin and Xi Cultivate Isolationism
    • What’s the Big Idea?: Major General Fremont and the Foundation of an Operational Approach
    • The Queen of Battle: A Case for True Light Infantry Capability
    • Little Spoon [poem]
    • How the 10th Mountain Division Is Going Back to Its Alpine and Mountain Roots
    • Hunter Electromagnetic Spectrum: A Model to Both Train and Advance Modernization Efforts
    • Light Infantry Logistics: Transforming from the Global War on Terrorism
    • Finnish Joint Air-Ground Integration: Building Allied Partner Capability
    • Lead Climbers: Noncommissioned Officers Drive Change in the 10th Mountain Division
  • Strength in Knowledge: The Warrant Officer Journal, April-June 2024 v. 2 no. 2 
    • The Foundation of Adult Education
    • Training with Industry: Finding New Purpose
    • Revamping Warrant Officer Appointment Physicals
    • Education: The Blue Print of the Army
    • Warrant Officer Technical Expertise in the Strategic Environment

 Army War College Press

  • Parameters, Autumn 2024, no. 54, no. 3 
    • The Forward Edge of the Fifth US Army War College
    • Avoiding the Escalatory Trap: Managing Escalation during the Israel-Hamas War
    • The Challenges of Next-Gen Insurgency
    • A Long, Hard Year: Russia-Ukraine War Lessons Learned 2023
    • Why the Afghan and Iraqi Armies Collapsed: An Allied Perspective
    • Restoring Priority on Cultural Skill Sets for Modern Military Professionals
    • Operating Successfully within the Bureaucracy Domain of Warfare: Part Two
    • The Fallacy of Unambiguous Warning
    • Eisenhower as Supreme Allied Commander: A Reappraisal
    • Resources Designed to Promote Professional Discourse
    • The Military and the Election: Thinking through Retired Flag Officer Endorsements
    • Exploring Strategy in India

 Asan Institute for Policy Studies

 Asia Foundation

 Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI)

 Australian Cyber Security Centre

 Australian Government Defence

 Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI)

 Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy (AIES)

 Baker Institute for Public Policy

 Belfer Center for Science & International Affairs

 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

 Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA)

 Center for Security Studies, Georgetown University

  • Georgetown Security Studies Review, February 2024, v. 12, no. 1 
    • The Role of Conventional Counterforce in NATO Strategy: Historical Precedents and Present Opportunities
    • The Rise of Iran’s Cyber Capabilities and the Threat to U.S. Critical Infrastructure
    • Constructive Competition: A Strategic Framework for U.S. Engagement and Policy Alternatives to the Belt and Road Initiative
    • Assessing the Efficacy of U.S. Policy in The Sahel: A Multifaceted Approach
    • The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Islam for Legitimation in the Aftermath of the Second Chechen War

 Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

 Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress (CSPC)

 Centre for Applied Turkey Studies (CATS)

 Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)

 Centre for European Reform (CER)

 Centre for Information Resilience (CIR)

 Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)

 Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats (CREST)         

 Chatham House

 Chicago Council on Global Affairs

 China Aerospace Studies Institute (CASI)

 Clingendael - Netherlands Institute of International Relations

 Congressional Budget Office (CBO)

 Cyentia Institute

 Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

 Department of Defense, Inspector General (DODIG)

  • DODIG-2024-122 Audit of Repair Pricing on the F/A-18 Hornet Radar Systems 

 European Union (EU)


 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

 Financial Action Task Force (FATF)

 Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA)

 Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD)

 Foundation for Strategic Research (Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique) 

 German Council on Foreign Relations (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e. V.)

 German Institute for International and Security Affairs (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik)

 German Marshall Fund of the United States

 Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime

 Global Network on Extremism & Technology (GNET)

 Global Public Policy Institute (GPPI)

 Government Accountability Office (GAO)

  • Export-Import Bank: Monitoring of Exports with Dual Military and Civilian Uses as of 2024 GAO-24-107589 
  • Immersive Technologies: Most Civilian Agencies Are Using or Plan to Use Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and More GAO-24-106665 
  • IT Systems Annual Assessment: DOD Needs to Improve Performance Reporting and Development Planning [Reissued with revisions on Aug. 22, 2024] GAO-23-106117 
  • Priority Open Recommendations: Department of Homeland Security GAO-24-107251 
  • Transition to Civilian Life: Better Collection and Analysis of Military Service Data Needed to Improve Oversight of the SkillBridge Program GAO-24-107352 

 Hedayah International Center of Excellence for Countering Violent Extremism

 Henry Jackson Society

 Heritage Foundation

 Hoover's China Leadership Monitor

  • China Leadership Monitor, Fall 2024, no. 81 
    • China's Economy Has Peaked. Can Beijing Redefine its Goals?
    • Do Chinese Leaders and Elites Think Their Best Days Are Behind Them?
    • Organizing American Policy Around “Peak China” is a Bad Bet
    • China’s Persistent Global Influence Despite Economic Growth Challenges
    • Has Xi Jinping Reached His Peak? Power Concentration versus Governance Capability
    • CLM Insights Interview with Oriana Skylar Mastro

 Hoover Institution

 Hudson Institute

 Human Rights Watch

 Independent Commission to Investigate the Facts of the Tragedy in Lewiston

 Institute for Defence Studies & Analyses (IDSA

 Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA)

 Institute for Security and Development Policy

 Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD)

 Institute for the Study of War

 Institute for Science and International Security

 Institute of International Affairs (Istituto Affari Internazionali)

 International Center for Counter Terrorism (ICCT)

 International Crisis Group

 Irregular Warfare Center (IWC)

 Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions

 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)

 Lowy Institute for International Relations

 Macdonald-Laurier Institute

 Marine Corps University Middle East Studies

  • MES Insights, August 2024, v. 15, no. 4 
    • Passive Defense Measures in Saving Iran’s Ballistic Missile Arsenal
  • June 2024, v. 15, no. 3A
    • ISKP Moving beyond Khorasan: Threats to the U.S. Homeland 
  • June 2024, v. 15, no. 3B
    • Security Challenges of African VEOs: A Bird's-Eye View 

 Marine Corps University Press

  • Journal of Advanced Military Studies, Fall 2024, v. 15, no. 2 
    • Maritime Militias: Disrupting Naval Operations in the Pacific Theater and the case for Intermediate Force Capabilities in the Maritime Domain
    • Rescuing the Unreachable: Personnel Recovery and Resupply in a Contested A2/AD Environment
    • Land Power in the Littoral: An Australian Army Perspective
    • Reconnaissance-Strike Tactics, Defeat Mechanisms, and the Future of Amphibious Warfare
    • Bringing Clarity to Stand-in Forces: How Operational Art and Science Provide the Linkage between Stand-in Forces, Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations, and Reconnaissance/Counterreconnaissance Operations
    • Houthi Motivations Driving the Red Sea Crisis: Understanding How Ansar Allah’s Strategic Culture Goes Beyond Gaza and Iran
    • Oceans Are Now Battlefields: How the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps can Counter North Korea’s Navy in an Evolving Age
    • Fires from the Shore: Supporting the Fight for Sea Control
    • China’s “Second Battlefield”: Political Warfare in Combat Operations
    • Selecting San Carlos: The Falklands War, 1982

 Mercator Institute for China Studies

 Middle East Institute (MEI)


 National Academies Press 

 National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR)

 National Defense University Press

  • Joint Force Quarterly (JFQ),  114, ( 3rd Quarter, July 2024) 
    • The Future of Great Power Competition: Trajectories, Transitions, and Prospects for Catastrophic War
    • Deviance and Innovation: Change in a “Society of Saints”
    • Civilian Harm Mitigation and Response: The Imperative of an All-Domain Approach
    • Was 50 Years Long Enough? The All-Volunteer Force in an Era of Large-Scale Combat Operations
    • Balancing Nonresident Joint Professional Military Education With Military Life
    • Jointness as Virtue: Increasing the Value of Joint Qualification to the Joint Force and Services
    • Engines of Chaos: Counterlogistics in Competition
    • The Marine Corps the United States Needs
    • After Afghanistan: The Need for a New Noncombatant Evacuation Operation
    • A New Army Air Force
    • Cognitive Warfare: The Fight for Gray Matter in the Digital Gray Zone
    • The World Is Not About Us: Information and Power in the Current Strategic Environment
    • Winning in the Competition Continuum with Engineer Civic Assistance Projects
    • Five Truths for Foreign Area Officers
    • Integrate to Win From Competition Through Conflict: Create a Joint Force Information Warfare Component Commander

 National Institute for Public Policy (NIPP)

 National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS)

 NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence

 Nonproliferation Policy Education Center

 Observer Research Foundation

 Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE)

 Pew Research Center

 Project 2049

 RAND Corporation

 Recorded Future

 Royal United Services Institute (RUSI)


 Small Wars Journal


 Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)

 Takshashila Institution

 Taylor & Francis

 U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Office of Inspector General

  • Report E-000-24-004-M  USAID’s Gaza Response: External Factors Impaired Distribution of Humanitarian Assistance Through the JLOTS Maritime Corridor 

 U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)

 US Marine Corps (USMC)

 United States Studies Centre (USSC)