Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Friday's Miscellany 08-09-2024

 Africa Center for Strategic Studies

Air University Press

  • Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs
  • July-August 2024, v. 7, no. 4  
    • Defining Pacing Threats and Challenges to Homeland Defense and Security
    • Tackling Homeland Defense Challenges in the Indo-Pacific Era
    • Strengthening Arctic Security Through Soft Power: The Ted Stevens Center’s Vital Mission
    • Securing the Homefront: Special Operations Command North’s Approach to Secure the Homeland against the People’s Republic of China
    • Snowblind: Investing in Logistical Infrastructure in the Arctic to Support the Indo-Pacific and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    • Answering Authoritarian State Asymmetric Challenges: Tools for Deterring Hybrid Threats and Non-Military Coercion from China and Russia
    • Landpower, Homeland Defense, and Defending Forward in US: Indo-Pacific Command
    • Navigating the Gray Zone: Reframing Space Strategy for Contemporary Operational Environments
    • Warming Arctic—Geopolitical Rivalries: Risks to Continental Defense for North America and NATO’s Northern Flank in Europe
    • Inside the Gates: Cultivating Cognitive Security to Defend the Homeland
    • Arctic Insecurity: The Implications of Climate Change for US National Security
    • Vulnerabilities and Hybrid Threats in the North American Arctic
    • Operation Noble Eagle–Pacific: Integrated Air and Missile Defense for America’s Pacific Homeland
    • At 156°W: The Alaska Territorial Guard as a Solution to Arctic Capacity and Domain Awareness
    • Seize the Gender Inclusion Era to Enhance Homeland Defense and Security
    • Protecting the Corridor of Freedom to America’s Asian Border
  • August 2024, v. 7, no. 5 
    • In Pursuit of Sri Lanka’s Strategy in the Indian Ocean Region
    • Mitigating Natural Disasters in the Indo-Pacific: A Study of Sri Lanka’s Naval and Coast Guard Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Operations
    • Geoeconomic Landscaping: Prospects of Sri Lanka’s Engagement with the US Indo-Pacific Economic Framework
    • The Role of Domestic Factors in Sri Lanka’s Foreign Affairs: Implications for the United States’ Engagements
    • India’s Extraordinary Support during Sri Lanka’s Crisis: Motivations and Impacts
    • Ailing Healthcare, Eroding Trust: Sri Lanka’s Healthcare Crisis and Its Geopolitical Implications
    • Citizen Science for Security: Harnessing Collaborative Citizen Science for Enhanced Security and Environmental Resilience in the Indo-Pacific

 American Enterprise Institute (AEI)

 Amnesty International

 Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC)

 Army War College Press

 Atlantic Council

 Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) 

 Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

 Brookings Institution

 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

 Cato Institute

 Center for a New American Security (CNAS)

 Center for Climate and Security

 Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

 China Aerospace Studies Institute (CASI)

 Council on Geostrategy

 Department of Defense (DOD)

 Department of Homeland Security Inspector General

  • OIG-24-42 The Secret Service's Preparation for, and Response to, the Events of January 6, 2021 [redacted] 

 Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General

 Department of State Inspector General

 Energy Information Administration (EIA)

 European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS)

 Government Accountability Office (GAO)

  • Army Modernization: Actions Needed to Support Fielding New Equipment GAO-24-107566 
  • Coast Guard: Autonomous Ships and Efforts to Regulate Them GAO-24-107059 
  • COVID-19: Lessons Can Help Agencies Better Prepare for Future Emergencies GAO-24-107175 
  • Critical Infrastructure Protection: DHS Has Efforts Underway to Implement Federal Incident Reporting Requirements GAO-24-106917 
  • Critical Infrastructure Protection: EPA Urgently Needs a Strategy to Address Cybersecurity Risks to Water and Wastewater Systems GAO-24-106744 
  • Defense Health Care: DOD Should Improve Accuracy of Behavioral Health Provider Information in TRICARE Directories GAO-24-106588 
  • Department of Energy: Actions Needed to Assess U.S. Manufacturing Policy and Protect Technology from Foreign Acquisition GAO-24-106504   
  • Disaster Relief Fund: Lessons Learned from COVID-19 Could Improve FEMA's Estimates GAO-24-106676 
  • DOD and VA Health Care: Actions Needed to Better Facilitate Access to Mental Health Services During Military to Civilian Transitions GAO-24-106189 
  • DOD Financial Management: FY 2023 Financial Statement Audit Progress and Challenges GAO-24-107478   
  • DOD Food Program: Additional Actions Needed to Implement, Oversee, and Evaluate Nutrition Efforts for Service Members GAO-24-106155 
  • Financial Management Systems: DHS Should Improve Plans for Addressing Its High-Risk Area and Guidance for Independent Reviews GAO-24-106895 
  • Forest Service: Fully Following Leading Practices for Agency Reforms Would Strengthen Prescribed Fire Program GAO-24-106239 
  • Havana Syndrome: Better Patient Communication and Monitoring of Key DOD Tasks Needed to Better Ensure Timely Treatment GAO-24-106593 
  • Hospitals: Expanded Use of Supplemental Nurses during the COVID-19 Pandemic GAO-24-106447 
  • Human Trafficking: Agencies Need to Adopt a Systematic Approach to Manage Risks in Contracts GAO-24-106973 
  • Hypersonic Weapons: DOD Could Reduce Cost and Schedule Risks by Following Leading Practices GAO-24-106792 
  • IT Systems Annual Assessment: DOD Needs to Strengthen Software Metrics and Address Continued Cybersecurity and Reporting Gaps GAO-24-106912 
  • National Nuclear Security Administration: Actions Needed to Improve Integration of Production Modernization Programs and Projects GAO-24-106342 
  • Nuclear Waste Cleanup: Changes Needed to Address Current and Growing Shortages in Mission-Critical Positions GAO-24-106479 
  • Nuclear Waste Cleanup: Closer Alignment with Leading Practices Needed to Improve Department of Energy Program Management GAO-24-105975 
  • Nuclear Waste Cleanup: More Effective Oversight Is Needed to Help Ensure Better Project Outcomes GAO-24-106716 
  • Priority Open Recommendations: Department of Defense GAO-24-107327 
  • Priority Open Recommendations: Office of the Director of National Intelligence GAO-24-107337 
  • Spectrum Management: Key Practices Could Help Address Challenges to Improving Receiver Performance GAO-24-106325 
  • Ukraine: Oversight of U.S. Direct Budget Support GAO-24-107520 
  • Ukraine: State and USAID Should Improve Processes for Ensuring Partners Can Perform Required Work GAO-24-10675
  • Veterans Health Care: VA's Video Telehealth Access Program Would Benefit from Performance Goals and Measures GAO-24-106743 
  • Warstopper Program: Comprehensive Cost Estimate Needed to Evaluate Potential Expanded Access to Emergency Medications GAO-24-106109 
  • Weapon Systems Annual Assessment: DOD Is Not Yet Well-Positioned to Field Systems with Speed [Reissued with revisions on Jul. 18, 2024] GAO-24-10683
  • Wildlife Trafficking: Agencies Should Improve Efforts to Protect Human Rights in Overseas Activities GAO-24-106553 

 Henry L. Stimson Center

 Human Rights Watch

 Institute for the Study of War

 International Crisis Group

 International Forum for Democratic Studies

 Irregular Warfare Center (IWC)

 National Defense University Press

  • Joint Force Quarterly (JFQ), no. 113, April 2024 
    • Taking Cues From Complexity: How Complex Adaptive Systems Prepare for All-Domain Operations
    • Accelerating Transition of Biotechnology Products for Military Supply Chains
    • Breaking the Shield: Countering Drone Defenses
    • 2040 Vision: Designing UK Defence for Advantage in a Competitive Age
    • "Study, Not Doctrine: Prioritizing History in JPME
    • Getting the Best Out of Joint Warfighter Development
    • Implementing the Chairman’s Guidance on Experiential Learning in PME Classrooms
    • DOD’s Need for a Transportable Energy Solution: The Promise of Nuclear Power
    • The Other Arctic: Competition, Cooperation, or Coexistence?
    • The PPWT and Ongoing Challenges to Arms Control in Space
    • Mission (Command) Complete: Implications of JADC2 
    • Supporting People With Policy and Platforms: The Key to Acquisition Reform
    • Defending an Achilles’ Heel: Evolving Warfare in the Philippines, 1941–1945
    • Commander’s Critical Information Requirements: Crucial for Decisionmaking and Joint Synchronization

 National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS)

 National Institute of Justice (NIJ)

  • NIJ Journal, June 2024, no. 285  
    • Domestic Radicalization, Violent Extremism, and Terrorism
    • What NIJ Research Tells Us About Domestic Terrorism
    • Comparing Violent Extremism and Terrorism to Other Forms of Targeted Violence
    • Lessons Learned on the Methodological Challenges in Studying Rare Violent Incidents
    • Research and Practitioner Perspectives on the Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Criminal and Violent Extremists
    • Assessing the Effectiveness of Programs To Prevent and Counter Violent Extremism
    • The Roles of Trauma and Mental Health in Preventing Domestic Radicalization and Violent Extremism
    • Advances in Detecting and Identifying Explosives After an Attack

 National Security Archive 

 Naval War College

 Observer Research Foundation

 Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) 

 Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)

 Our World in Data

 Pew Research Center 

 Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft

 RAND Corporation

 Royal United Services Institute (RUSI)

 Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies

Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR)

 Swedish Defense Research Agency

 Taylor & Francis