Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Friday's Miscellany 06-28-2024 & 07-05-2024

 Air University Press

  • Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs, July-August 2024, v. 7, no. 4 
    • Defining Pacing Threats and Challenges to Homeland Defense and Security
    • Tackling Homeland Defense Challenges in the Indo-Pacific Era
    • Strengthening Arctic Security through Soft Power: The Ted Stevens Center’s Vital Mission
    • Securing the Homefront: Special Operations Command North’s Approach to Secure the Homeland against the People’s Republic of China
    • Snowblind: Investing in Logistical Infrastructure in the Arctic to Support the Indo- Pacific and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    • Answering Authoritarian State Asymmetric Challenges: Tools for Deterring Hybrid Threats and Non-Military Coercion from China and Russia
    • Landpower, Homeland Defense, and Defending Forward in US Indo-Pacific Command
    • Navigating the Gray Zone: Reframing Space Strategy for Contemporary Operational Environments
    • Warming Arctic— Geopolitical Rivalries: Risks to Continental Defense for North America and NATO’s Northern Flank in Europe
    • Inside the Gates: Cultivating Cognitive Security to Defend the Homeland
    • Arctic Insecurity: The Implications of Climate Change for US National Security
    • Vulnerabilities and Hybrid Threats in the North American Arctic
    • Operation Noble Eagle–Pacific: Integrated Air and Missile Defense for America’s Pacific Homeland
    • At 156°W: The Alaska Territorial Guard as a Solution to Arctic Capacity and Domain Awareness
    • Seize the Gender Inclusion Era to Enhance Homeland Defense and Security
    • Protecting the Corridor of Freedom to America’s Asian Border
  • The Theoretical Foundations of Spacepower: From Economics to Asymmetric Warfare 

 American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS)

 Army Center of Military History

  • Army History Magazine, Summer 2024, no. 131
    • Correcting the Record: The Houston Riot of 1917
    • From Native Guides to Commonwealth Defenders: Filipino Soldiers Under U.S. Command, 1899–1942
    • Army Artists Documenting Disaster Relief
    • "Making War upon The Map" The U.S. Army’s Forgotten Map Problem, Meade’s Gettysburg Campaign, and Depicting Operational Art

 Army War College Press

 Asia-Pacific Leadership Network (APLN)

 Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI)

 Atlantic Council

 Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI)

 Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy (AIES)

 Baker Institute for Public Policy

 Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB)

 Belfer Center for Science & International Affairs

Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC)

 Canadian Global Affairs Institute (CGAI)

 Cato Institute

 Center for Advanced Defense (C4ADS) 

 Center for Global Security Research

 Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland (CISSM)

Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET)

 Center for Security Studies (CSS)

 Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

 Center for the Study of Intelligence (CIS) 

  • Studies in Intelligence, June 2024, v. 68, no. 2  
    • Evolution of Surveillance Policy: US Intelligence, Domestic Surveillance, and the Time of Troubles
    • Cambodia's Role in Shipping Arms to Communist Forces in South Vietnam, 1966–70: Competing CIA and US Military Estimates
    • From the Archive: Unpopular Pessimism: Why CIA Analysts Were So Doubtful About Vietnam
    • An Innovative Approach to Learning: Project Management Training at CIA
    • Future of Open Source: How the Intelligence Community Has Held Back Open-Source Intelligence, and How it Needs to Change by

 Center on Islam, Democracy and the Future of the Muslim World

  • Current Trends in Islamist Ideology, April 2024, v. 34 
    • The Popular Front of India and Muslim Responses to Hindu Nationalism
    • “Alternative Paradigms” after Three Decades
    • Clerics in the Congo: Understanding the Ideology of the Islamic State in Central Africa
    • The History and Evolution of the Islamic State in Southeast Asia
    • Hezbollah’s Post-October 7 Strategy: Avoiding Yet Preparing for War
    • The Islamic State in Mozambique: The Cabo Delgado Conflict since 2021

 Centre for Applied Turkey Studies (CATS)

 Centre for European Reform (CER)

 Centre for Information Resilience (CIR)

 Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)

 Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats (CREST)

 Chatham House

 Chicago Council on Global Affairs

 China Aerospace Studies Institute (CASI)

 China Observers in Central and Eastern Europe

 Clingendael - Netherlands Institute of International Relations

 Combating Terrorism Center (CTC)

 Congressional Budget Office (CBO)

 Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

 Department of Defense (DOD) 

 Department of Defense, Inspector General (DODIG)

  • DODIG2024093 Evaluation of the Accountability of Ukraine-Bound Equipment to Sea Ports of Embarkation in the Continental United States 
  • DODIG-2024-094 Matters Regarding Naval Support Activity Crane Identified While Evaluating Accountability of Ukraine-Bound Equipment to Sea Ports of Embarkation in the Continental United States 
  • DODIG2024095 Audit of the DoD’s Revaluation of the Support Provided to Ukraine Through Presidential Drawdown Authority 
  • DODIG2024097 Evaluation of the DoD’s Accountability of Lost or Destroyed Defense Articles Provided to Ukraine Requiring Enhanced End Use Monitoring 
  • DODIG2024099 Review of DoD Funds Provided to the People’s Republic of China and Associated Affiliates for Research Activities or Any Foreign Countries for the Enhancement of Pathogens of Pandemic Potential 
  • Semiannual Report to the Congress – October 1, 2023 through March 31, 2024 

 Department of State

 Egmont: The Royal Institute for International Relations

 Energy Information Administration (EIA)

 European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats (Hybrid CoE)

 European Council on Foreign Relations

 European Think-Tank Network on China (ETNC)

 European Union (EU)

 European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS)

 Financial Action Task Force (FATF)

 Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA)

 Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI)                

 French Institute of International Relations (Institut Français des Relations Internationales) (IFRI)

 German Institute for International and Security Affairs (GIISA)

 German Marshall Fund of the United States

 Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime

 Global Network on Extremism & Technology (GNET)

 Global Public Policy Institute (GPPI)

 Government Accountability Office (GAO)

  • Federal Real Property: Efforts to Incorporate Climate Vulnerabilities and Environmental Justice into Asset Management GAO-24-106420 
  • Hunger and Homelessness: Funding Distribution for Key Programs [Reissued with revisions on Jun. 27, 2024] GAO-23-105458 
  • Missile Defense: Next Generation Interceptor Program Should Take Steps to Reduce Risk and Improve Efficiency GAO-24-106315 
  • U.S. Marshals Service: Actions Needed to Better Identify and Address Detention Condition Concerns GAO-24-106348 
  • Veterans Health Care: VHA is Taking Steps but Has Not Completed Implementing Priority Recommendations to Improve Its Oversight of Regional Networks GAO-24-107641 

 Hague Centre for Strategic Studies  (HCSS)

 Hoover Institution

 Institute for Science and International Security

 Institute for the Study of War

 Irregular Warfare Center (IWC)

 Mitchell Institute


 National Academies Press  

 Our World in Data

 Peace Research Institute of Frankfurt (PRIF/HSFK)

 Pew Research Center

 Public Health Service (PHS)

 Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft

 Rand Corporation

 Royal United Services Institute (RUSI)

 Small Wars Journal


 Stockholm Centre for Eastern European Studies (SCEEUS)

 Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) 

 Taylor & Francis

 UN Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)

 UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI)

 US Institute of Peace (USIP)

 Wilson Center

 World Bank