Sunday, November 10, 2019

Friday's Miscellany 11-08-2019

38 North

American Enterprise Institute (AEI)

Asia Foundation

Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA)
·         It’s Time to Close Down UNRWA

Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC)

·         Meet the Low-Wage Workforce

Canada. Department of National Defence
·         Canadian Military Journal, Autumn 2019, v. 19, no. 4
o    What if the Pen is a Sword? Communicating in a Chaotic, Sensational,  and Weaponized Information Environment
o    The Evolution of Canadian Defence Policy through the Pragmatic Control Theory of Civil-Military Relations
o    Rounding the Edges of the Maple Leaf: Emergent Design and Systems Thinking in the Canadian Armed Forces
o    The Road to Mental Readiness Program: Social Innovation or Smokescreen?
o    “A Black Cat in the Dark Room”: Russian Quasi-Private Military and Security Companies (PMSCs) – ‘Non-Existent,’ but Deadly and Useful
o    What Is the ‘Technology of the Colour Revolutions,’ and Why Does It Occupy Such a Prominent Place in Russian Threat Perceptions?
o    From the Mess to the Journal: A Proposal to Professionalize  Professional Discussions
o    Re-thinking Incentivized Fitness in the Canadian Army:  An Evidence-Based Approach
o    1 Field Ambulance and the Great War, 1914–1918
o    Time for Strong, Secure, Engaged Two, or Something More?

Canada. Royal Canadian Air Force
·         Royal Canadian Air Force Journal, Fall 2019, v. 8, v. 4
o    Boxtop 22: The Cost of Focusing On an Operational Culture
o    Space Integration: How to Incorporate Space Data into Air Operations to Ensure the Royal Canadian Air Force Remains Credible and Relevant
o    Learning Analytics
o    Armed Drones in the Targeting Process: A Way for Canada to Distinguish Itself Internationally
o    Machine Learning: Automating Organizational Processes to Optimize Human Resources
o    The Dynamism of Space Exposes American Policy Gaps in Conflict Escalation

Canadian Global Affairs Institute (CGAI)

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

CATO Institute
·         Exploring Wealth Inequality

Center for a New American Security (CNAS)

Center for Climate and Security

Center for Global Development

Center for International Policy

Center for Middle Eastern Strategic Studies (ORSAM)

Center for Security Studies (CSS)

Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
·         Trends in Forced Migration

Center on Global Energy Policy

Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW)

Centre for European Reform (CER)

Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)

Chatham House

Chicago Council on Global Affairs

Clingendael - Netherlands Institute of International Relations

Congress. House. Armed Services Committee

Congress. House. Homeland Security Committee

Congress. House. Permanent Select Committee
·         Impeachment Inquiry Transcripts

Congress. Senate. Commerce, Science, & Transportation Committee

Congress. Senate. Foreign Relations Committee

Congress. Senate. Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee
·         Threats to the Homeland

Congressional Budget Office (CBO)

Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
·         CISA Cyber Essentials

Defense Personnel and Security Center (PERSEREC)
·         PERSEREC-RN-19-03 On the Right Track: Worker-on-Worker Violence Prevention
·         PERSEREC-TR-19-05 An Evaluation of the Utility of Expanding Psychological Screening to Prevent Insider Attacks

Department of Defense Inspector General (DODIG)

Department of State

Department of the Army
·         FM 3-14 Army Space Operations

East-West Center

Energy Information Administration (EIA)

European Council on Foreign Relations

European Institute of the Mediterranean

European Policy Centre (EPC)

European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS)

European University Institute

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
·         FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, November 2019
o    Current State of Interview and Interrogation
o    Increasing Officer Resilience Through Servant Leadership
o    Partnering to Make Purposeful Art
o    Courage Can Be Found in the Strangest Places

Financial Action Task Force (FATF)

Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA)

Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI)

Freedom House

German Council on Foreign Relations (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e. V.)

German Marshall Fund of the United States

Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime

Government Accountability Office (GAO)
·         Antidumping and Countervailing Duties: Information on Actions by Commerce and CBP to Address Reported Weaknesses in Duty Collection Processes GAO-20-50R
·         Data Act: Quality of Data Submissions Has Improved but Further Action Is Needed to Disclose Known Data Limitations GAO-20-75
·         Nuclear Weapons Sustainment: Improvements Made to Budget Estimates in Fiscal Year 2019 Joint Report, but Opportunities Remain to Enhance Completeness GAO-20-37R

Hedayah International Center of Excellence for Countering Violent Extremism

Human Rights Watch

Institute for National Security Studies (INSS - Israel)

Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS)

Institute for Security Studies [Africa]
·         Peace and Security Council Report, no. 118 

Institute for the Study of War
·         Iraq Situation Report: November 1-4, 2019

Institute of International Affairs (Istituto Affari Internazionali)

Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS)

International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT)

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

International Peace Institute (IPI)

James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS)

Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
·         Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, v. 34, no. 4, 2019
o    A Snapshot of Engineering for Resilience at APL: Guest Editor’s Introduction
o    Operationalizing Critical Infrastructure Resilience
o    How Would Bowditch Navigate Today? The Centuries-Old Quest for Resilience in Navigation
o    A Hybrid Resilience Framework to Apply Stakeholder Preferences to Aircraft Fleets
o    Adding Resilience to Naval Systems for Mission Success
o    Integrating Reliability Engineering with Fault Management to Create Resilient Space Systems
o    Quantifying System Resilience Using Probabilistic Risk Assessment Techniques
o    Virtually Connecting Corpsmen, Providers, and Patients to Increase Readiness
o    Using Resilience to Inform Autonomous System Reliability Assessment: A Concept for Autonomous Ships
o    Search-Based Testing Methods for Evaluating the Resilience of Autonomous Unmanned Underwater Vehicles
o    Resilience in the Face of Cyberattacks: Cyber Resilience Guidance for Military Systems
o    Cyber Resilience for Navy Tactical Platforms
o    Diversity as an Enabler for Cyber Resilience
o    Analyzing System Resilience to Adversary Kinetic and Cyber Actions

Light Commands

Lowy Institute for International Relations

Marine Corps University Press
·         Expeditions with MCUP

Martens Centre for European Studies

National Defence University (Pakistan)
·         ISSRA  Papers (Journal of Governance and Public Policy), 2018, v. 10, no. 2
o    Understanding the Hidden Power Relations in Policy Implementation: The Case of Pakistan
o    FATA Merger with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: Prospects and Opportunities
o    Punjab Local Government Act 2013: Annulling Good Governance under Devolution Plan 2000
o    Kashmir Issue and Pak-Indian Press: Content Analysis of Leading Newspapers
o    Instructional Supervision as Component of School Governance: Enhancing its Practice in Educational Institutions in Pakistan’s Cantonment Areas
o    The 1972 Educational Policy of Pakistan: An Historical Account of its Marxian Content
o    Tax Burden and Income Disparities – A Review of the Pakistan’s Taxation System
o    Pakistan-Afghanistan Transboundary Water Governance
o    Intra-Movement Dynamics of Ethnic Militancy in Balochistan: A Policy Perspective
·         Margalla Papers 2019, v. 23,  no. 1
o    Socio-Economic Impact of CPEC on Pakistan
o    Washington’s New Cold War against Russia
o    Withered Peace amidst India's Bellicose Rhetoric
o    Pakistan’s Security Compulsions: External & Internal Dimensions
o    Is the Afghan Situation Ripe for Negotiations?
o    Sino-US Trade War
o    Psychological Consequences of Terrorism: Case Study of Pakistan
o    Water Resource Management in Pakistan
o    Territorial Disputes and Regional Security in East Asia
o    Federalism in a Post 18th Amendment–Pakistan
o    Managing Internally Displaced Persons to Prevent Radicalization: Lessons from Pakistani Tribal Areas Water Resource Management in Pakistan
o    Adoption of Nursi Model: The Panacea for De-Radicalization in Pakistan
o    Evolution of New Indian Military Strategy: Implications for Pakistan
o    Understanding National Security: A Pakistani Perspective
o    Institutional Imbalance as Disruptive of Democracy in Pakistan: A Reconsideration of the Argument with Reference to the 1956 Constitution
o    Energy Security and the IPI Peace Pipeline: Challenges and Opportunities
o    Earnings Manipulation as a Determinant of Cost of Capital: Empirical Analysis of Non-Financial Listed Companies in Pakistan
·         NDU Journal, 2018  
o    Use of Soft Power by India as a Strategic Weapon: Media's Manipulation
o    Climate Security and Survival Discourse: Emerging Era of Non-Traditional Threats to the Nation State System
o    Evolution of Civil Society in Conflict Prone Countries of 21st Century
o    Pacifism to Confrontation: Conflict Dynamics between the Nuclear Contenders (India-Pakistan)
o    Impact of Declining Macro-economic Indicators on the National Security of Pakistan
o    The Role of Energy Sector in Economic Development of Pakistan in the Context of Sustainability and Resilience: A Reality Check
o    Socio-economic Factors behind Radicalization: Evidence from Pakistan
o    Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Conflict Resolution: A Comparative Study of Pakistan and India Bilateral Relations
o    Nuclearization in the Gulf and Its Impact on the Regional Stability
o    Critical Discourse Analysis of Use of Human Shield in India: A Perspective from Pakistan
o    United States and Imperialism: A Paradox or Reality?
o    Pakistan Securitizes Energy: Political Evaluation of Solar Technology Utilization
o    Evaluating Iran-Saudi Strategic Competition in Middle East: Implications for Regional Security
o    Critical Discourse Analysis of Contemporary Islamophobic Narratives: Deconstructing the Phraseology of Fear and Intolerance
o    Alliance Politics and the New Power Equation in Middle East
o    Space Weapons: A Rapidly Evolving Threat to South Asian Strategic Balance
o    Being Recognizable: Identity Beyond State Great Power Politics, Non-State Actors and the Israel-Palestine Conflict
o    The Impact of Conflicting Middle Eastern Strategic Cultures on the Geopolitics of the Region
o    Geo-Politics of China - Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)
o    Radicalization and Divergent Education System in Pakistan - Challenges and Future Prospects

National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS)

National Security Archive

National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence
·         Interim Report

NATO Defense College

NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence

Naval War College (NWC)
·         International Law Studies, v. 95, issue 1
o    Law as Strategy: Thinking Below the State in Afghanistan
o    Armed Groups and the Protection of Health Care
o    Classification of Cyber Capabilities and Operations as Weapons, Means, or Methods of Warfare
o    Beyond Geneva: Detainee Review Processes in Non-International Armed Conflict—A U.S. Perspective
o    Medical Care in Urban Conflict
o    Humanitarian Logic and the Law of Siege: A Study of the Oxford Guidance on Relief Actions
o    The Occupation of Maritime Territory under International Humanitarian Law
o    Can We Starve the Civilians? Exploring the Dichotomy between the Traditional Law of Maritime Blockade and Humanitarian Initiatives
o    Marine Insurance Prohibitions in Contemporary Economic Warfare
o    Maritime Autonomous Vehicles within the International Law Framework to Enhance Maritime Security
o    The Legal Fog of an Illusion: Three Reflections on "Organization" and "Intensity" as Criteria for the Temporal Scope of the Law of Non-International Armed Conflict
o    Indeterminacy in the Law of Armed Conflict

New America

Notre Europe - Institut Jacques Delors

Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI)

Observer Research Foundation

Office of Naval Research
·         Future Force: Naval Science and Technology, v.6, no. 2, October 2019
o    Unmanned and Unafraid: The Transformation of Naval Oceanography
o    An Orchestra of Instruments: Discovering the Sea at Scripps
o    There’s A Better Way to Get Batteries for the Navy

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE)


Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF)
·         Royal Canadian Air Force Journal, Fall 2019, v. 8, no. 4  
o    Boxtop 22: The Cost of Focusing On an Operational Culture
o    Space Integration: How to Incorporate Space Data into Air Operations to Ensure the Royal Canadian Air Force Remains Credible and Relevant
o    Learning Analytics
o    Armed Drones in the Targeting Process: A Way for Canada to Distinguish Itself Internationally
o    Machine Learning: Automating Organizational Processes to Optimize Human Resources
o    The Dynamism of Space Exposes American Policy Gaps in Conflict Escalation

S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies

Small Wars Journal

Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR)
·         SIGAR-20-05-SP Afghan National Maintenance Strategy: Ground Vehicle Support - DOD Has Taken Action to Reduce Spare Parts Overhead Costs
·         SIGAR 20-06-AR Afghanistan's Anti-Corruption Efforts: The Afghan Government Made Progress in Meeting its Anti-Corruption Strategy Benchmarks, but Serious Challenges Remain to Fighting Corruption
·         SIGAR 20-07-FA USAID's Engineering Support Program in Afghanistan: Audit of Costs Incurred by Tetra Tech, Inc.

Stimson Center

Sudd Institute


Taylor & Francis
·         Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict, 2019
·         Policing and Society, 2019

United Kingdom

US Central Command (CENTCOM)
·         Unipath, 2019, v. 9, no. 3
o    Pakistan Guards the Seas
o    Conflict Resolution in Central Asia
o    Keeping the Peace Post-Daesh
o    Egypt Confronts Terrorism
o    Afghanistan Tackles Terror Finance
o    Emissary from Afghanistan
o    Winning Over Women
o    Pakistan Partners for Peace
o    Kazakhstan's Commitment to Peace
o    Fostering Special Forces
o    Terror by Media
o    Senior Leader Profile - Lt. Gen. Mohammed Al-Khadher, Kuwait Armed Forces

U.S. Immigration Policy Center
·         Seeking Asylum, Part 2
·         Seeking Asylum, Part 1

Uyghur Human Rights Project

US Secret Service (USSS)

Warsaw Institute

Washington Institute for Near East Policy

Wilson Center

World Bank

World Economic Forum