38 North
Africa Center for Strategic Studies
Air Power Development Centre
Al Jazeera Center for Studies
Alliance for Child Protection in
Humanitarian Action
American Enterprise Institute
Urbanization with Chinese Characteristics: Domestic Migration and Urban Growth in Contemporary China
Amnesty International
Armed Forces Health Surveillance
Center (AFHSC)
o Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Varicella
among Service Members and Other Beneficiaries of the Military Health System, 1
January 2016–30 June 2019
o Animal Bites and Rabies Post-Exposure
Prophylaxis, Active and Reserve Components, U.S. Armed Forces, 2011–2018
o Surveillance Snapshot: Trends in
Opioid Prescription Fills among U.S. Military Service Members during Fiscal
Years 2007–2017
o Surveillance Snapshot: Influenza
Immunization among U.S. Armed Forces Healthcare Workers, August 2014–April 2019
Atlantic Council
Australian Strategic Policy Institute
Baker Institute for Public Policy
Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic
Studies (BESA)
Beyond the Parallel
Bipartisan Policy Center
Bonn International Center for
Conversion (BICC)
Canadian Global Affairs Institute
Carnegie Endowment for International
CATO Institute
Center for a New American Security
Center for Global Development
Center for Security Studies (CSS)
Center for Strategic and International
Studies (CSIS)
Center for Terrorism and Security
o Islamist Terrorism, Diaspora Links and
Casualty Rates
o “The Khilafah’s Soldiers in Bengal”:
Analysing the Islamic State Jihadists and Their Violence Justification
Narratives in Bangladesh
o Islamic State Propaganda and Attacks:
How are they Connected
o Towards Open and Reproducible
Terrorism Studies: Current Trends and Next Steps
o Taking Terrorist Accounts of their Motivations
Seriously: An Exploration of the Hermeneutics of Suspicion
o An Evaluation of the Islamic State’s
Influence over the Abu Sayyaf
o Countering Violent Extremism Globally:
A New Global CVE Dataset
o Profiles of Islamist Militants in
o Adversity, Criminality, and Mental
Health Problems in Jihadis in Dutch Police Files
o Counterterrorism Bookshelf: 12 Books
on Terrorism & Counter-Terrorism-Related Subjects
o Bibliography: Terrorism by
Region—Indian Subcontinent
o 60+ Academic Theses on Victims of
Terrorism, Violent Extremism, and Political Violence
o Recent Online Resources for the
Analysis of Terrorism and Related Subjects
Center on Global Energy Policy
Chatham House
Clingendael - Netherlands Institute of
International Relations
Commission for Countering
Congress. House. Armed Services
Congress. House. Energy & Commerce
Congress. House. Foreign Affairs
Congress. House. Homeland Security
Congress. House. Oversight &
Reform Committee
Congress. House. Science, Space, and
Technology Committee
Congress. House. Transportation and
Infrastructure Committee
Congress. House. Veterans Committee
Congress. Senate. Commerce, Science,
& Transportation Committee
Congress. Senate. Energy & Natural
Resources Committee
Congress. Senate. Finance Committee
Congress. Senate. Foreign Relations
Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
Danish Institute for International
Studies (DIIS)
Department of Defense, Inspector
General (DODIG)
DODIG-2020-003 Audit of the DoD’s Use of Additive Manufacturing
for Sustainment Parts
Department of State
Department of Veterans Affairs
Inspector General
REPORT #18-04968-249 Failures Implementing Aspects of the VA
Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017
East-West Center
Egmont Institute
Electronic Frontier Foundation
European Council on Foreign Relations
European Policy Centre (EPC)
German Marshall Fund of the United
Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
Finnish Institute of International
Affairs (FIIA)
Foreign Policy Research Institute
German Institute for International and
Security Affairs (GIISA)
German Marshall Fund of the United
Government Accountability Office (GAO)
Disaster Resilience Framework: Principles for Analyzing Federal
Efforts to Facilitate and Promote Resilience to Natural Disasters GAO-20-100SP
Federal Rulemaking: Selected Agencies Should Clearly Communicate
Public Comment Posting Practices Associated with Identity Information
[testimony] GAO-20-105T
Homeland Security Acquisitions: Opportunities Exist to Further
Improve DHS's Oversight of Test and Evaluation Activities GAO-20-20
Military Pensions: Servicemembers Need Better Information to
Support Retirement Savings Decisions GAO-19-631
Substance Use Disorder: Prevalence of Recovery Homes, and Selected
States' Investigations and Oversight [testimony] GAO-20-214T
Surplus Plutonium Disposition: NNSA's Long-Term Plutonium Oxide
Production Plans Are Uncertain GAO-20-166
Heritage Foundation
Human Rights Watch
Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA)
Institute for National Security Studies
(INSS - Israel)
Institute for Security Studies
Institute for Strategic, Political,
Security and Economic Consultancy (ISPSW)
Institute for the Study of War
Institute of International Affairs
(Istituto Affari Internazionali)
Institute of South Asian Studies
International Centre for
Counter-Terrorism (ICCT)
International Crisis Group
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
International Peace Institute (IPI)
Italian Institute for International
Political Studies
Jamestown Foundation
o Al-Qaeda-Linked Group HUJI-B Attempts to Regroup in Bangladesh
o Implications of the Jeddah Agreement
on the War in Yemen
o Death of AQIS Emir Asim Umar has
Serious Implications for Al-Qaeda
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Pub 6-0, Joint Communications System, 15 June 2015,
Incorporating Change 1, 04 October, 2019
Marine Corps University Press
o Innovation and Historical Continuity
in Great Power Competition
o The Amphibious Imperative of the
French and Indian War
o The Ottomans, Britain, Sectarianism,
and the Sudanese Army: 1899 –2019
o The Expeditionary Implications of a
Populist Grand Strategy
o The American Polar Pivot: Gaining a
Comparative Advantage in Great Power Competition
o Defense and Deterrence on NATO’s
Northern Flank: Strengthening the U.S. Marine Corps’ Role in Europe
o A Case for Sino-American Cooperation
Against Climate Change
o Russia’s Information Warfare:
Exploring the Cognitive Dimension
o Prescribing an American Grand Strategy
for the Era of Renewed Great Power Competition
o Competing through Cooperation:
Leveraging Security Cooperation to Counter Chinese and Russian Influence in
o U.S. Strategic Interests in the
Arctic: A Proposed Department of Defense Approach
o The Weaponization of Information:
Social Media, Commercial Search, and the Changing Character of War
o A Riddle Unwrapped: North Korea and
the World
Martens Centre for European Studies
Middle East Institute (MEI)
Minority Rights
Mitchell Institute
NATO Defense College
Notre Europe - Institut Jacques Delors
Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI)/ Johns
Hopkins Center for Health Security (JHU)
Observer Research Foundation
Office of Community Oriented Policing
Services (COPS)
Organization for Security and
Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
Oxford Research Group
Peacekeeping & Stability
Operations Institute (PKSOI)
Peterson Institute for International
Economics (PIIE)
Pew Research Center Religion &
Public Life
Pew Research Center Social &
Demographic Trends
Pew Research Center U.S. Politics
& Policy
RAND Corporation
Royal Australian Air Force Air Power
Development Centre
Small Arms Survey
Small Wars Journal
South African Institute of
International Affairs (SAIIA)
Strategic Studies Institute
Threatcasting Lab
Information Disorder Machines: Weaponizing Narrative and the Future of the United States of America
Transactional Records Access
US Commission on Civil Rights
Warsaw Institute
Washington Institute for Near East
Wilson Center
World Bank