38 North
African Centre for the Constructive
Resolution of Disputes
Air University
o Social Media and the DOD: Benefits,
Risks, and Mitigation
o Improving Resource Management in the
Afghan Air Force
o The Coming Close Air Support Fly-Off:
Lessons from AIMVAL-ACEVAL
o Break the Paradigm: Prepare Airpower
for Enemies' "Most Likely Course of Action"
o Critical Thinking Skills in USAF
Developmental Education
o Toward a US Air Force Arctic Strategy
o The Last Prop Fighter: Sandys, Hobos,
Fireflies, Zorros, and Spads
o Data You Can Trust: Blockchain
o Defeating Small Civilian Unmanned
Aerial Systems to Maintain Air Superiority
Al Jazeera Center for Studies
Amnesty International
Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
Atlantic Council
Australian Department of Defence
Australian Strategic Policy Institute(ASPI)
Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic
Belfer Center for Science and
International Affairs
Bipartisan Policy Center
Brennan Center for Justice
Canadian Global Affairs Institute (CGAI)
Carnegie Endowment for International
CATO Institute
Center for Climate and Security (CCS)
Center for Global Development
Center for Nonproliferation Studies
Center for Strategic and Budgetary
Assessments (CSBA)
Center for Strategic and International
Studies (CSIS)
Issues & Insights - Vol. 17 No. 9 - The Third Meeting of the CSCAP Study Group on Nonproliferation and Disarmament in theAsia-Pacific
PacNet #42 - How Trump is Reimagining America’s Role
Center for Transatlantic Relations
Centre for European Reform (CER)
o Why No Deal Would be Much Worse Than a
Bad Deal
o Macron, Merkel and the Future of the
o Europe's Forgotten Refugee Crisis
Centre for International Governance
Innovation (CIGI)
Chatham House
College of Europe
Conflict Armament Research
Congress. House. Armed Services
Congress. House. Energy & Commerce
Congress. House. Foreign Affairs
Congress. House. Homeland Security
Congress. House. Science, Space, &
Technology Committee
Congress. Senate. Armed Services
Congress. Senate. Foreign Relations
Congress. Senate. Homeland Security
& Governmental Affairs Committee
Congress. Senate. Judiciary Committee
Law Enforcement Access to Data Stored Across Borders: Facilitating Cooperation and Protecting Rights
Department of Defense (DOD)
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Department of State
East-West Center
Egmont Institute
European Leadership Network (ELN)
European Policy Centre
European Strategic Intelligence and
Security Center
European Union Institute for Security
Foreign Policy Research Institute
Foundation for International
Development Study and Research (FERDI)
French Institute of International
Relations (Institut Français des Relations Internationales)
German Marshall Fund of the United
Government Accountability Office (GAO)
Commercial Nuclear Waste: Resuming Licensing of the Yucca Mountain
Repository Would Require Rebuilding Capacity at DOE and NRC, Among Other Key
Steps. GAO-17-340
DOD Training: DOD Has Taken Steps to Assess Common Military
Training. GAO-17-468
Emerging Infectious Diseases: Actions Needed to Address the
Challenges of Responding to Zika Virus Disease Outbreaks. GAO-17-445
Emerging Infectious Diseases: Actions Needed to Ensure Improved
Response to Zika Virus Disease Outbreaks. GAO-17-612T [Testimony]
Iraq: DOD Needs to Improve Visibility and Accountability Over
Equipment Provided to Iraq's Security Forces. GAO-17-433
Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Efforts Intended to Improve
Procedures for Requesting Additional Information for Licensing Actions Are
Under Way. GAO-17-344
Heritage Foundation
Households in Conflict Network
Human Rights Watch
Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA)
o African Universities: Essential for a
Higher Education and Indigenous Research Capacity
o Indefinite Cease-Fire Announced in
Institute for Critical Infrastructure
Technology (ICIT)
Institute for Defence Studies &
Analyses (IDSA)
Institute for Strategic, Political,
Security and Economic Consultancy (ISPSW)
Institute of International Affairs
(Istituto Affari Internazionali)
Institute of South Asian Studies
International Centre for
Counter-Terrorism (ICCT)
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Issam Fares Institute for Public
Policy and International Affairs
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Pub 3-18, Joint Forcible Entry Operations, 11 May 2017
Konrad Adenauer Foundation (Konrad
Adenauer Stiftung)
Lowy Institute for International
Martens Centre for European Studies
Migration Policy Institute (MPI)
Taking Stock of Refugee Resettlement: Policy Objectives, Practical Tradeoffs, and the Evidence Base
Modern War Institute
National Defense University Press
Like, Comment, Retweet: The State of the Military's Nonpartisan Ethic in the World of Social Media
National Institute for Defense Studies
o Chapter 1 Changes in the European
Strategic Environment: Their Impact on East Asia
o Chapter 2 Security in the Indian Ocean
Region: Regional Responses to China’s Growing Influence
o Chapter 3 China: Quest for a
Great-Power Role
o Chapter 4 The Korean Peninsula: North
Korea’s Growing Nuclear and Missile Threat and South Korea’s Anguish
o Chapter 5 Southeast Asia: Duterte
Takes Office, South China Sea in Flux
o Chapter 6 Russia: President Putin’s Visit
to Japan
o Chapter 7 The United States:
Addressing the “Return to Great Power Competition”
o Chapter 8 Japan: Expanding Strategic Horizons
National Security Archive
National Security Telecommunications
Advisory Committee (NSTAC)
NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre
of Excellence (CCD COE)
NATO Defence College
NATO Parliamentary Assembly
Nautilus Institute
Naval War College
o Maritime Trade Warfare
o Tactics of Strategic Competition
o Impacts of the Robotics Age on Naval
Force Design, Effectiveness, and Acquisition
o Organization and Innovation
o Epictetus vs. Aristotle
o Foundations of Moral Obligation
o Remarks, Stockdale to Pilots, 1965
o Primary-source evidence from Genda
bearing on Parshall-Bennett exchange regarding Fuchida at Pearl Harbor
Observer Research Foundation
Office of Budget and Management (OMB)
Office of Naval Research
o Arctic Invasion: How Do We Prevent the
Spread of Aquatic Nuisance Species?
o Protected Communications Go Polar
o Coupling Atmosphere, Ice, and Ocean
Modeling Improves Prediction
o “Operationally Blended” Satellite Data
Can Improve Sea Ice Forecasts
o It’s a Ship, It’s an Iceberg, It’s
a...Polar Bear?
o “The Science in Antarctica Has Always
Been Essential”
Operation Inherent Resolve
Pak Institute for Peace Studies (PIPS)
Pew Research Center Global Attitudes
& Trends
Potomac Institute
Latin America’s Strategic Outlook: Populist Politics, Health Concerns, and Other Security Challenges
Royal United Services Institute (RUSI)
Small Wars Journal
Strategic Studies Institute (SSI)
Transatlantic Academy
Transit Cooperative Research Program
UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Union of Concerned Scientists
US Institute of Peace (USIP)
Washington Institute for Near East
Wilson Center
World Economic Forum (WEF)