38 North
Al Jazeera Center for Studies
American International Group, Inc.
Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
Armed Forces Health Surveillance
Center (AFHSC)
o Absolute and relative morbidity
burdens attributable to various illnesses and injuries, active component, U.S.
Armed Forces, 2016
o Hospitalizations, active component,
U.S. Armed Forces, 2016
o Ambulatory visits, active component,
U.S. Armed Forces, 2016
o Surveillance snapshot: Illness and
injury burdens, reserve component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2016
o Surveillance snapshot: Illness and
injury burdens, recruit trainees, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2016
o Absolute and relative morbidity
burdens attributable to various illnesses and injuries, non-service member
beneficiaries of the Military Health System, 2016
Australian Strategic Policy Institute
Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic
Belfer Center for Science and
International Affairs
Beyond the Parallel
Bipartisan Policy Center
British American Security Information
Council (BASIC)
Canadian Global Affairs Institute
Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Carnegie Endowment for International
Center for a New American Security
Center for Global Development
Center for International Policy
Center for Middle Eastern Strategic
Studies (ORSAM)
Center for Naval Analyses (CNA)
Center for Security Studies (CSS)
Center for Strategic and International
Studies (CSIS)
Issues & Insights, v.. 17 - no.. 7 - ARF to the Forefront: Promoting Cybersecurity CBMs in the Asia-Pacific
PacNet #36 - Recalibrating US-India Ties Towards a Coherent
Indo-Pacific Strategy
Centre for European Reform (CER)
Chatham House
Congress. House. Homeland Security Committee
Terror Threat Snapshot [May 2017]
Congress. Senate. Armed Services
Congress. Senate Chris Murphy
Congress. Senate. Foreign Relations
Congress. Senate. Homeland Security
& Governmental Affairs Committee
Congress. Senate. Judiciary Committee
Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
The 2017 Budget and Economic Outlook [presentation]
East-West Center
Egmont Institute Royal Institute for
International Relations
Energy Information Administration
Kazakhstan Country Analysis Brief - May 2017
EU Non-Proliferation Consortium
European Policy Centre
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
o School Resource Officers and Violence
Prevention: Best Practices (Part Two)
o Writing Clear, Effective Police
Reports: No English Degree Required
o National Law Enforcement Officers
o President John Quincy Adams and
Bounded Ethicality
Foreign Policy Research Institute
German Council on Foreign Relations
(Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e. V.)
Russia’s Evolving South Caucasus Policy [interview with Pavel
German Marshall Fund of the United
Global ECCO
o ISIS Prisons: Where Labor Demand Meets
Labor Supply
o Maritime Terrorism in the
Mediterranean Sea
o Drones and the Future of Security
Policy: A Maritime Case Study for Assessing the Risk of Small Unmanned Aircraft
o Fundamentalism: The Branch Davidians
and the Islamic State
o Adapting CT Strategies to Combat
Organized Crime Gangs
o The CTAP Interview - Vera Mironova
o The CTAP Interview - Bruce Hoffman
o Honor and Truth
Government Accountability Office (GAO)
Avian Influenza: USDA Has Taken Actions to Reduce Risks but Needs
a Plan to Evaluate Its Efforts. GAO-17-360
Heritage Foundation
Households in Conflict Network
Human Rights Watch
Institute for Defence Studies and
Analyses (IDSA)
Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA)
o In Burkina Faso, an Extremist Fulani
Struggle Sprouts
o Tunisia’s Tourist Industry: Bouncing
Institute for Policy Analysis of
Conflict (IPAC)
Institute for Security &
Development Policy
Institute for Strategic, Political,
Security and Economic Consultancy (ISPSW)
Institute for the Study of War
Institute of International
Affairs (Instituto Affari
Institute of South Asian Studies
Intelligence and National Security
International Crisis Group
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Italian Institute for International
Political Studies (Istituto per gli studi di politica internazionale)
Jamestown Foundation
o China’s Global Power Projection Hit
With “Strategic Overdraft”
o What is Known and Unknown about
Changes to the PLA’s Ground Combat Units
o The CMC General Office: Recentralizing
Power in the PLA
o Thinking the Unthinkable: Are American
Organizations in China Ready for a Serious Crisis?
Kennedy Center for International
o Regional Integration vs.
Globalization: A Social network analysis of the trade within and outside the
Southern African Development Community (SADC)
o Donor Choice in Multilateral Health
Konrad Adenauer Foundation (Konrad
Adenauer Stiftung)
Marine Corps University Middle East
Migration Policy Institute (MPI)
A Revolving Door No More? A Statistical Profile of Mexican Adults Repatriated from the United States
National Consortium for the Study of
Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START)
Pak Institute for Peace Studies
Pakistan Institute of Legislative
Development and Transparency
Monitor on Civil-Military Relations in Pakistan for March 2017
Peacekeeping & Stability
Operations Institute (PKSOI)
o Leadership in Crisis and Complex
o Leadership Failure by UN Peacekeeping
Leaders - Malakai Violence, South Sudan
o Lessons from Liberia in Security
Sector Reform
o Leader Attributes for Peacekeeping
& Stability Operations
o "Whole of International
Community" for Foreign Disaster Relief
o Leadership Challenges with
Multi-Continental Troops - UNIFIL Case
o Establishing Civ-Mil Unified Action in
a Deployed Environment
Peterson Institute for International
Economics (PIIE)
Pew Research Center Internet &
Pew Research Center Journalism &
Political Economy Research Institute
Project 2049 Institute
Royal United Services Institute (RUSI)
S. Rajaratnam School of International
Second Line of Defense
Small Wars Journal
Stockholm International Peace Research
Institute (SIPRI)
Transatlantic Academy
Transnational Institute
U.S. Advisory Commission on Public
US-China Economic and Security Review
United States Institute of Peace
Washington Institute for Near East
Wilson Center
Organization for Resource
Development and Education [WORDE]