Action Aid
Afghanistan Women’s Network (AWN)
American Enterprise Institute Critical Threats
· Yemen Crisis Situation Report [latest update]
Amnesty International
Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center (AFHSC)
o Associations between repeated deployments to Iraq (OIF/OND) and Afghanistan (OEF) and post-deployment illnesses and injuries, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2003-2010. Part II. Mental disorders, by gender, age group, military occupation, and "dwell times" prior to repeat (second through fifth) deployments
o Animal bites, active and reserve components, U.S. Armed Forces, 2001-2010
o Surveillance Snapshot: Influenza immunization among healthcare workers
o Surveillance Snapshot: Symptoms diagnosed during traumatic brain injury-related medical encounters, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, January 2008-December 2010
Asian Development Bank Institute
ASUA Institute of Land Warfare
Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
Bipartisan Policy Center
Brennan Center for Justice
· Afghanistan Index: Tracking Progress and Security in Post-9/11 Afghanistan [updated September 29, 2011]
· Iraq Index: Tracking Reconstruction and Security in Post-Saddam Iraq [updated September 30, 2011]
Center for a New American Security (CNAS)
Center for Security Studies (CSS)
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
o Conventional Primacy & Unconventional Consequences: U.S. Power and the Nuclear Choices of Allies and Adversaries by Joshua Akery
o Atoms for a Nuclear Energy Partnership Policy Proposal by Alexander Christian
o International Nuclear Fuel Supply Guarantees by Mark Christopher
o Nuclear Ready Iran by Lisa Farhamy
o Opaque Nuclear Weapon States: Predicting When and Why They Declare by Eric Lorber
o The Nuclear Posture Review and Its Implications on Arms Agreements by Kathia Neiwiadowski
o Changing Chinese Strategic Culture and North Korean Relations: Will the Alliance Withstand North Korea’s Nuclear Misbehavior? by Elizabeth O’Grady
o Strategic Coercion and the Iranian Nuclear Case: Examining U.S. Policy Options by Jonathan Pearl
o Engaging Proliferation: Isolation and National Exceptionalism as Drivers of Nuclear Decisions by Justin Reed
o U.S. Nuclear Weapons and Proliferation by U.S. Allies by Dane Swango
o Progress or Proliferation? South Africa’s Nuclear Future by Taya Weiss
o The Need for an Enhanced Interagency Approach to Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction by Brian Mazanec
o Role of Nuclear Weapons in Tailored Deterrence: Cases of the United States and Russia by Nikita Perfilyev
o Then and Now: Arab Reactions to the Israeli and Iranian Nuclear Programs by Joseph Longa
o U.S. as Interlocutor in Nuclear Crises: Deriving Future Policy Implications from a Study of the 2001-2002 India-Pakistan Standoff by Moeed Yusuf
o Explaining Australian Nuclear Policy by Brian Hoxie
o The United Arab Emirates Civil Nuclear Agreement: Promise or Problem? by Chantell L. Murphy
o Iran’s Nuclear Program: The Four Pitches by Raja Karthikeya
o Intellectual Honesty, Nuclear Weapons, and Disarmament by Jonathan S. Snider
o Understanding Possible International Disarmament with Modeling by Kimberly Gilligan
o Going Nuclear by Jamus Jerome Lim
· U.S. and Iranian Strategic Competition: The Sanctions game: Energy, Arms Control, and Regime Change
Centre for Eastern Studies
Combating Terrorism Center (CTC)
Congress. House. Armed Services Committee
Congress. House. Energy and Commerce Committee
Congress. House. Foreign Affairs Committee
· Hearings
o A Comprehensive Assessment of U.S. Policy Toward Sudan [October 4, 2011]
o Mérida Part Two: Insurgency and Terrorism in Mexico [October 4, 2011]
o Why Taiwan Matters, Part II [October 4, 2011]
Congress. House. Homeland Security Committee
· Does Administrative Amnesty Harm our Efforts to Gain and Maintain Operational Control of the Border?
Congress. House. Judiciary Committee
Congress. House. Oversight & Government Reform Committee
Congress. House. Transportation and Infrastructure Committee
Congress. House. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Congress. Senate. Foreign Relations Committee
Congress. Senate. Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee
Congress. Senate. Caucus on International Narcotics Control
Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)
Department of Defense
Department of Homeland Security
Department of Homeland Security Inspector General
Department of Justice
Egmont Institute Royal Institute for International Relations
Energy Information Administration (EIA)
European Policy Centre
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
· National Preparedness Goal – 1st ed.
Foreign Policy
German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)
o Covering Post-Conflict Elections: Challenges for the Media in Central Africa
o Toward Electoral Security: Experiences from KwaZulu-Natal
o Making Migrants Responsible for Development: Cape Verdean Returnees and Northern Migration Policies
o “Get to the bridge and I will help you to cross”: Merit, Personal Connections and Money in Access to Nigerian Higher Education
Government Accountability Office (GAO)
· Coast Guard: Action Needed as Approved Deepwater Program Remains Unachievable, GAO-12-101T [testimony]
· Information Security: Additional Guidance Needed to Address Cloud Computing Concerns, GAO-12-130T [testimony]
Heritage Foundation
Human Rights Watch
Institute for Development Studies (IDS)
Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS)
Institute for the Study of War
Institute for Social Policy and Understanding
International Crisis Group
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
International Relations and Security Network
Latino Research Center
o Law’s Labor’s Lost: Failure of Peru’s 1969 Agrarian Reform Law to Stimulate Agricultural Production
o Disposable Workers: Immigration after NA FTATA and the Nation’s Addiction to Cheap Labor
o Examining the Theoretical Linkages between Climate Change, Food Security, and Migration
o The Rise and Fall of the “Migrant Superhero” and the New “Deportee Trash”: Contemporary Strain on Mobile Livelihoods in the Central American Region
o The Role of DICONSA in Promoting Food Security in Rural Mexico and Providing Assistance in Case of Natural Disasters
o Considerations for a More Comprehensive Immigration Policy: Moving the Dialogue from Border Security to Food and Livelihood Security
o Children’s Consumption of Migration: Remittances and Food Security
o Migration and the Role of Remittances in Food Security: The Case of Jamaica
National Academies Press
National Defense University (NDU)
o The Looming Crisis in Defense Planning
o Thoughts on Force Design in an Era of Shrinking Defense Budgets
o Linking Military Service Budgets to Commander Priorities
o Harnessing America's Power: A U.S. National Security Structure for the 21st Century
o The Limits of Tailored Deterrence
o Estonia: Cyber Window into the Future of NATO
o Stuxnet and Strategy: A Special Operation in Cyberspace?
o Why Iran Didn't Admit Stuxnet War an Attack
o Enduring Attraction: America's Dependence On and Need to Secure Its Supply of Permanent Magnets
o The Empire's Newest New Clothes: Overrating China
o U.S.-China Relations: No Need to Fight
o Religious Leader Engagement in Southern Afghanistan
o Vietnam and Iraq: Learning from the Past?
o Read, Think, Write: Keys to 21st-century Security Leadership
o Understanding Strategic Thinking and Developing Strategic Thinkers
o Pulling Back the Curtain: Developing Strategic Thinkers at ICAF
o The Joint Officer: A Professional Specialist
o Transforming the Civil Reserve Air Fleet in a Fiscally Constrained Environment
o Operation Enduring Freedom X: CJTF-82 and the Future of COIN
o Command Relationships
o Improving Joint Fires for Special Operations: A Mandate for the Joint Forces Fires Coordinator
Pew Research Center
Small Wars Journal
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
Strategic Studies Institute (SSI)
Transportation Research Board
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
University of Phoenix Research Institute
· Afghanistan - Complex Emergency [latest update]
· Sri Lanka - Floods and Complex Emergency [latest update]
Veterans for Common Sense
Washington Institute for Near East Policy
White House