Sunday, October 2, 2011

Friday's Miscellany 09-30-2011

American Enterprise Institute Critical Threats
·         Yemen Crisis Situation Report [latest update]   
Amnesty International

ASUA Institute of Land Warfare

Atlantic Council

Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI)
·         US Strategic Priorities in Asia 

Bipartisan Policy Center

·         Al Qaeda’s Not Dead Yet 
·         Pakistan Index: Tracking Variables of Reconstruction & Security in Pakistan [updated September 26, 2011] 

CACI International/U.S. Naval Institute (USNI)/Center for Security Policy (CSP)

Canadian Air Force
·         Canadian Air Force Journal, Summer 2011, v. 4, no. 3 
o    Who Owns Your E-Mails?
o    Exposing the True Cost of Distance Education: (and what should be done)
o    CC150 (A310) Polaris: ( road map for flight management system replacement and polar navigation upgrade programmes (providing next generation capability)
o    The Air Historian - Part I

Center for American Progress

Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA)

Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
·         Cyber Events Since 2006 

Centre for Eastern Studies


Combat Studies Institute (CSI)

Combating Terrorism Center (CTC)
·         CTC Sentinel, September 2011, v. 4, no. 9
o    American Perceptions of Terrorism in the Post-9/11 Decade
o    The Rise of Boko Haram in Nigeria
o    Religious Allegiances among Pro-Iranian Special Groups in Iraq
o    AQIM Returns in Force in Northern Algeria
o    Violence Escalates in China’s Xinjiang Province
o    The UK’s Efforts to Disrupt Jihadist Activity Online

Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Defense Acquisition University (DAU)
·         Defense Acquisition Research Journal, October 2011 
o    Motivating the Knowledge Worker
o    Requirements and Cost Stability: A Case Study of the F/A-18 Hornet Program
o    Better Schedule Performance Assessment Derived from Integrated Master Plan-Referenced Schedule Metrics
o    Reimagining Workload Task Analysis: Applications to Training System Design

Department of Defense (DOD)
·         CrossTalk, The Journal of Defense Software Engineering, September/October 2011, v. 24, no. 5  
o    Cyber Espionage: Defending Against The Digital Cloak and Dagger Stealing Information Securely, Privately, and Deniably
o    Protecting Software Intellectual Property Against Counterfeiting and Piracy
o    Software Diversity for Future Systems Security
o    Creating Attack-Aware Software Applications with Real-Time Defenses
o    Creating Data from Applications for Detecting Stealth Attacks
o    Developmental Automated Testing and Software Technical Risk Assessments
o    Cyber Strategy, Analytics, and Tradeoffs

Department of Defense Inspector General (DODIG)

Department of Homeland Security

Department of Homeland Security Inspector General

East West Center

Energy Information Administration (EIA)
·         Monthly Energy Review, September 2011 
·         Sudan Country Analysis Brief 

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Foreign Affairs

Foreign Policy
·         Checkbook Diplomacy 
·         The Future is Now 
·         Think Again: War 
·         The Zero-Sum Game 

Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI)

Geneva Centre for Security Policy

Government Accountability Office (GAO)

Heritage Foundation
·         Do Not Back Down on Burma 

Human Rights Watch

Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS)

Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS)

Institute of South Asian Studies

International Crisis Group

International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)
·         Early Military Lessons from Libya 
·         Japan: Life after Kan 

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

International Relations and Security Network
·         Mexico: Death by Social Media 
·         US Gaze Turns to Uzbeks 

Jamestown Foundation
·         China Brief, September 30, 2011, v. 11, no. 18  
o    Fear and Loathing in Beijing? Chinese Suspicion of U.S. Intentions
o    China's Cautious Economic and Strategic Gamble in Venezuela
o    Sino-Russian Relations: Renewal or Decay of a Strategic Partnership?
o    Noncommissioned Officers and the Creation of a Volunteer Force

Joint Chiefs of Staff

Middle East Institute (MEI)

National Academies Press

National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism - START

National Security Archive
NATO Training Mission Afghanistan

New America Foundation

Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development and Transparency

·         Journal of International Peace Operations, v. 7, no. 2 – September-October, 2011 
·         CEJA: Filling the Accountability Gap
·         Get it there: Aviation & Logistics
·         Q & A with Andrew Natsios
·         Improving Security Risk Management
·         Training & Risk Management
·         Energy Security in Afghanistan
·         Positive Momentum: Afghanistan
·         Managing Conflict, Inspiring Hope at USIP
·         Legislating Defense
·         Gates’ Pentagon Wars
·         Doug Brooks: Losing in Afghanistan
·         Jessica Vogel: Hot Summer in the City
·         Amb. Herman Cohen: UN Peacekeeping in Africa

Political Economy Research Institute (PERI)

Program for Culture & Conflict Studies
·         The Climate & Conflict Review 2011 
o    The Fast-Changing Maritime Arctic
o    Can We Keep Up with Arctic Change?
o    An Ice-Free Arctic
o    Re-examining the Environment-Conflict Linkage: In What Way Can the Environment “Cause” Conflict?
o    Arctic Defense Concerns: Reorganizing U.S. Defense Structure to Meet Threats in the Changing Arctic
o    Defending the Arctic: America’s Challenge
o    Arctic Security in a Warming World: Challenges and Opportunities
o    Forging an Arctic Alliance: Canadian-U.S. JIATF-Arctic
o    Babysteps: Developing Multilateral Institutions in the Arctic
·         The Culture and Conflict Review, Fall 2011, v. 5, no.3
o    Mullah Muhammed Omar: A Psychobiographical Profile
o    Improving Afghan Governance: Why the Task May be Self-Defeating
o    Biodiesel from Poppies: An Alternative Strategy to Combating the Opium Trade in Afghanistan
o    Deja Vu: Afghanistan Prepares for Another Withdrawal
o    Tactical Insights: Innovation in Operation Enduring Freedom – 4/25 Operations in P2K
o    Can Afghanistan's Counternarcotics Efforts Survive NATO Withdrawal?
o    Doctrinal Insights: Command Economies – Understanding Sustainable Economic Incentives at the Tactical Level
o    Cultural Insights: Punjab: Can It Be a Bridge to Peace Between India and Pakistan?
o    Coalitional Insights: A Post-Jihad Era? Arab Spring Brings West and Islamists into an Unexpected – and Potentially Transformative – Alliance
o    Enemy Insights I: Sixth Edition of AQAP's Inspire Celebrates Bin Laden's Legacy and Martyrdom
o    Enemy Insights II: Seventh Edition of AQAP's Inspire Celebrates 9/11 as the "Greatest Special Operation of all Time"
o    Enemy Insights III: After Anwar al-Awlaki


Royal United Services Institute (UK)

Small Wars Journal

Stimson Center

Strategic Studies Institute (SSI)

Trust for America's Health

UN Development Programme (UNDP)

UN General Assembly

UN Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)
·         Disarmament Forum, 2011, no. 2 
o    Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones
o    Peeling the Orange: Regional Paths to a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World
o    The Treaty of Pelindaba: Towards the Full Implementation of the African NWFZ Treaty
o    The Arctic: Top of the World to be Nuclear-Weapon-Free
o    Possible Elements of an NWFZ in the Middle East
o    The Role of Civil Society in Promoting a WMDFZ in the Middle East

·         Democratic Republic of the Congo - Complex Emergency [latest update] 
·         Haiti - Earthquake and Cholera [latest update] 
·         Horn of Africa - Drought [latest update] 
·         Zimbabwe - Complex Emergency [latest update] 

Washington Institute for Near East Policy
·         Obama and Israel: Hot or Cold? 

White House