Monday, December 2, 2019

Fridays Miscellany 11-22-2019 & 11-29-2019

38 North

Air Force Research Institute (AFRI)
·         Air Force Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs, Winter 2019, v. 2, no. 4
o    Strategic Expeditionary Advising
o    Dueling Hegemony
o    Undermining Democracy
o    China in the South Pacific
o    Bringing Balance to the Strategic Discourse on China's Rise
o    Revision of India's Nuclear Doctrine
o    Japan's Indo-Pacific Strategy
·         Strategic Studies Quarterly, Winter 2019, v. 13, no. 4
o    On Great Power Conflict: Entangled or Untangled Alliances?
o    Attrition and the Will to Fight a Great Power War
o    Through the Glass—Darker
o    Missile Defense for Great Power Conflict: Outmaneuvering the China Threat
o    Ambiguity, Risk, and Limited Great Power Conflict
o    Techniques for Great Power Space War
o    Minding the Gaps: US Military Strategy toward China
o    Decide, Disrupt, Destroy: Information Systems in Great Power Competition with China

Al Jazeera Center for Studies

American Enterprise Institute

Amnesty International

Army War College
·         Parameters, Winter 2019-20, no. 49,no 4  
o    War Colleges: A Debate
§   Taking the War Colleges from Good to Great
§   Making the War Colleges Better
o    Afghanistan’s Lessons: Part II
§   Denmark's Lessons
§   Norway's Lessons
§   Australia's Lessons
o    Educating Strategic Lieutenants at West Point
o    Educating Strategic Lieutenants at Sandhurst

Atlantic Council

Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI)

Baker Institute for Public Policy

Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA)
·         Is Hamas Being Tamed?

Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

Beyond the Parallel

Bipartisan Policy Center
·         Deficit Tracker

Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC)

·         Global China: East Asia

Brown University Watson Institute


Canadian Global Affairs Institute (CGAI)
·         NORAD: Remaining Relevant

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

CATO Institute

Center for a New American Security (CNAS) 

Center for Data Innovation

Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA)

Center for Global Development

Center for Security Studies (CSS)
·         Russian Analytical Digest
o    No. 241 Russia's Economy

Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA)

Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
·         Biological Threats to U.S. National Security [testimony]
·         Significant Cyber Incidents [updated November 2019]  

Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress (CSPC)

Center on Global Energy Policy

Centre for European Reform (CER)

Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)

Chatham House

·         Social Mobility Truths

Clingendael - Netherlands Institute of International Relations
·         Gaming the New Security Nexus

College of Europe

Combating Terrorism Center (CTC)
·         CTC Sentinel, November 2019, v. 12, no.10
o    Next in Line to Lead al-Qa`ida: A Profile of Abu Muhammad al-Masri
o    A View from the CT Foxhole: General (Ret) Joseph Votel, Former Commander, U.S. Central Command
o    How Somaliland Combats al-Shabaab
o    An Examination of Jihadi Recidivism Rates in the United States

Congress. House. Armed Services Committee

Congress. House. Foreign Affairs Committee

Congress. House. Homeland Security Committee

Congress. House. Oversight & Reform Committee
·         Improper Payments: Time To Act

Congress. House. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
·         Committee YouTube Channel
o    Mr. Mark Sandy  
o    Mr. Philip Reeker  
o    Dr. Charles Kupperman
o    Mr. Brian McCormack
o    Mr. Robert Blair
o    Mr. John Eisenberg
o    Mr. Michael Ellis
o    Mr. Michael Duffey
o    Mr. Preston Wells Griffith
o    Mr. T. Ulrich Brechbuhl and Mr. Russell Vought
o    Mr. John Michael “Mick” Mulvaney

Congress. House. Science, Space, & Technology Committee

Congress. House. Transportation & Infrastructure Committee

Congress. Senate. Armed Services Committee
·         Department of Defense Audit

Congress. Senate. Commerce, Science & Transportation Committee

Congress. Senate. Foreign Relations Committee

Congress. Senate. Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee
·         Threats to the U.S. Research Enterprise: China’s Talent Recruitment Plans
·         Staff Report

Congressional Budget Office (CBO)

Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
·         Report

Department of Defense Inspector General (DODIG)
·         DODIG-2020-028 Audit of Brigade Combat Team Readiness
·         DODIG-2020-030 Audit of Navy and Defense Logistics Agency Spare Parts for F/A18 E/F Super Hornets

Department of Homeland Security Inspector General
·         OIG-20-02  Major Management and Performance Challenges Facing the Department of Homeland Security
·         OIG-20-05 CBP, ICE, TSA, and Secret Service Have Taken Steps to Address Illegal and Prescription Opioid Use
·         OIG-20-06 DHS Lacked Technology Needed to Successfully Account for Separated Migrant Families

Department of State Inspector General
·         AUD-CGI-IB-20-07 Information Report:  United States Agency for Global Media 2019 Charge Card Risk Assessment
·         AUD-CGI-20-08 Information Report: International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, U.S. Section, 2019 Charge Card Risk Assessment

Department of the Army
·         ATP 3-21-51 Subterranean Operations
·         ATP 3-27.3 Ground-Based MIDCOURSE Defense Operations
·         ATP 4-02.84 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Treatment of Biological Warfare Agency Casualties

Department of the Navy

East-West Center

Economic Research Forum

Egmont Institute

European Asylum Support Office (EASO)

European Council on Foreign Relations

European Leadership Network (ELN)

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)
·         EU Drug Markets Report 2019

European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA)

Financial Action Task Force (FATF)

Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI)

French Institute of International Relations (Institut Français des Relations Internationales)

George Washington University Program on Extremism

German Development Institute

German Institute for International and Security Affairs (GIISA)

German Marshall Fund of the United States

Global Public Policy Institute (GPPI)

Government Accountability Office (GAO)
·         Afghanistan Security Forces Fund: DOD Has Processes for Identifying Training Needs and Maintaining Visibility over Contracts GAO-20-99
·         Airports: Information on Prices for Aviation Services and FAA's Oversight of Grant Requirements GAO-20-16
·         Army Corps of Engineers: Evaluations of Flood Risk Management Projects Could Benefit from Increased Transparency GAO-20-43
·         Army Marketing: The Army Has Taken Recent Actions That Could Improve Program Oversight, Effectiveness, and Workforce Practices GAO-20-93
·         Aviation Security: TSA Coordinates with Stakeholders on Changes to Screening Rules but Could Clarify Its Review Processes and Better Measure Effectiveness GAO-20-72
·         Climate Resilience: A Strategic Investment Approach for High-Priority Projects Could Help Target Federal Resources GAO-20-127
·         Coast Guard: Assessing Deployable Specialized Forces' Workforce Needs Could Improve Efficiency and Reduce Potential Overlap or Gaps in Capabilities GAO-20-33
·         Defense Acquisitions: DOD's Use of Other Transactions for Prototype Projects Has Increased GAO-20-84
·         Defense Health Care: Opportunities to Improve Future TRICARE Managed Care Support Contract Transitions GAO-20-39
·         Defense Procurement: Ongoing DOD Fraud Risk Assessment Efforts Should Include Contractor Ownership GAO-20-106
·         Environmental Justice: Federal Agencies Could Benefit from a Strategic Approach to Assess Progress [testimony] GAO-20-290T
·         Federal Research: Additional Actions Needed to Improve Public Access to Research Results GAO-20-81
·         Iraq: Characteristics of the Office of Security Cooperation-Iraq and How It Compares to Other DOD Security Cooperation Organizations GAO-20-196R
·         Naval Shipyards: Key Actions Remain to Improve Infrastructure to Better Support Navy Operations GAO-20-64
·         Superfund: EPA Should Take Additional Actions to Manage Risks from Climate Change GAO-20-73
·         Surface Transportation: TSA Should Improve Coordination Procedures for Its Security Training Program GAO-20-185
·         Telecommunications: FCC Should Take Additional Action to Manage Fraud Risks in Its Program to Support Broadband Service in High-Cost Areas GAO-20-27
·         Transportation Security: DHS Should Communicate the National Strategy's Alignment with Related Strategies to Guide Federal Efforts GAO-20-88
·         Tribal Programs: Resource Constraints and Management Weaknesses Can Limit Federal Program Delivery to Tribes [testimony] GAO-20-270T
·         U.S. Virgin Islands Recovery: Additional Actions Could Strengthen FEMA's Key Disaster Recovery Efforts GAO-20-54
·         Water Scarcity: DOD Has Not Always Followed Leading Practices to Identify At-Risk Installations GAO-20-98

Heritage Foundation

Hoover Institution

Hudson Institute

Human Rights Watch

Information Technology & Innovation Foundation (IT&IF)

Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology (ICIT)

Institute for Defence Studies & Analyses (IDSA)

Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA)

Institute for Economics & Peace
·         Global Terrorism Index 2019

Institute for National Security Studies (INSS - Israel)

Institute for Science and International Security

Institute for Security Studies [Africa]

Institute for Strategic Dialogue 

Institute for Strategic, Political, Security and Economic Consultancy (ISPSW)

Institute for the Study of War
·         Iraq Situation Report- November 8-14

Institute of International Affairs (Istituto Affari Internazionali)

Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS)

International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT)

International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS)

International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR)

International Crisis Group

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Italian Institute for International Political Studies

Jamestown Foundation
·         China Brief, November 19, 2019, v.19, no. 20
o    The Xiangshan Forum and Emerging Themes in PRC Military Diplomacy
o    The Central Committee Fourth Plenum Gives  Further Powers to the CCP Leadership “Core”
o    A State Visit by Kazakhstan’s President Demonstrates China’s Increasing Influence in Central Asia
o    China’s Presence in the Bahamas: A Greater Role After Hurricane Dorian?
o    The Battle for Motor Sich: a Sino-American Dispute in Ukraine
·         Terrorism Monitor, November 18, 2019, v.17, no. 22
o    Attacks in Northern Kenya Highlight al-Shabaab’s Enduring Ambition
o    The Cross Pollination of East Africa’s Armed Groups
o    Rift Emerges in PKK Command Structure over Ties to U.S. Coalition Forces in Syria

Law Library of Congress

Lowy Institute for International Relations
·         Typology of Terror

Martens Centre for European Studies

Migration Policy Institute (MPI)

Ministry of Defence - Slovenian Armed Forces
·         Contemporary Military Challenges, November 2019, v. 21, no. 4
o    Who is a Proper Soldier? Analysis of a Modern Military Identity
o    Job Characteristics Through the Eyes of the Young Generation: Survey Research Youth and Their Motives for Military Profession
o    What Motivates the Young People of the  21st Century to Join the Military
o    Study of the Military Leadership Concept in the Slovenian Armed Forces
o    Deformed Organizational Culture and Undesirable Phenomena of Leadership in the Armed Forces
o    Modern Operational Art: Between Relict and Phoenix of Military Science
o    Hybrid Warfare as a Method of Implementing the National Strategy - The Case of Crimea

National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START)

National Defense University Press
·         Joint Force Quarterly (JFQ),  95 (4th Quarter, October 2019)
o    Strategic Army: Developing Trust in the Shifting Landscape
o    Maximizing the Power of Strategic Foresight
o    Strengthening Mission Assurance Against Emerging Threats: Critical Gaps and Opportunities for Progress
o    Pakistan’s Low Yield in the Field: Diligent Deterrence or De-escalation Debacle
o    The Second Island Cloud: A Deeper and Broader Concept for American Presence in the Pacific Islands
o    America First ≠ America Alone: Morocco as Exemplar for U.S. Counterterrorism Strategy
o    Why Normandy Still Matters: Seventy-Five Years On, Operation Overlord Inspires, Instructs, and Invites Us to Be Better Joint Warfighters
o    Attacking Fielded Forces: An Airman's Perspective from Kosovo
o    Countering Threat Networks to Deter, Compete, and Win: Competition Below Armed Conflict with Revisionist Powers
o    Development Beyond the Joint Qualification System: An Overview
o    3D Printing for Joint Agile Operations
o    The Chain Home Early Warning Radar System: A Case Study in Defense Innovation
o    Wolfe, Montcalm, and the Principles of Joint Operations in the Quebec Campaign of 1759
o    Unmasking the Spectrum with Artificial Intelligence

National Security Archive

NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Centre of Excellence

NATO Defense College
·         NATO in Modern World Politics

Observer Research Foundation

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

Oxford Internet Institute Computational Propaganda Research Project

Pacific Institute
·         Water Conflict Chronology

Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE)

Pew Research Center Internet & Technology

Pew Research Center Methods

Pew Research Center Science & Society

RAND Corporation
·         Baselining Defense Acquisition

S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies

Second Line of Defense

Small Wars Journal
·         The Manner of a Man
·         Pass On What You Have Learned

South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA)

Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR)
·         SIGAR 20-08-FA Department of State's Programs for Supporting Livelihoods, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, and Protection for Afghan Returnees, Internally Displaced Persons, and Vulnerable Host Communities in Afghanistan: Audit of Costs Incurred by the International Rescue Committee Inc.
·         SIGAR 20-09-FA Department of the Army's UH-60A Enhanced Phase Maintenance Inspection Program in Afghanistan: Audit of Costs Incurred by Science and Engineering Services LLC
·         SIGAR 20-10-AR Emergency Food Assistance to Afghanistan: Incomplete Reporting and Limited Site Visits Hindered USAID's Oversight of Millions of Dollars of Food Assistance

Stimson Center

Taylor & Francis
·         Defence Studies,  December 2019, v. 19, no. 4 [open access articles]

Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC)

UN Environment Programme
·         Emissions Gap Report 2019

US Commission on Civil Rights

US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Chemical Biological Center
·         CCDC CBC-TR-1599, Cyborg Soldier 2050: Human/Machine Fusion and the Implications for the Future of the DOD

US Institute of Peace (USIP)

Washington Institute for Near East Policy

World Bank