Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Friday's Miscellany 10-04-2024 & 10-11-2024

 38 North


 Africa Center for Strategic Studies


 Air University Press

  • Journal of Military Conflict Transformation, June 2024, v. 6, no. 1 
    • On Strategic Leadership and Influence: A Q&A with General Chance Saltzman, Chief of Space Operations, United States Space Force
    • Influence and Persuasion in Military Diplomacy
    • Negotiating with The Human Element: Decoding Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping In Strategic Negotiations
    • The Power Within: Understanding the Art of Influencing and Associated Skills
    • Crisis Negotiating: A Security Forces Officer's Experience During Hurricane Katrina
    • Leveraging Multi-Party Negotiations to Build Operational Missions
    • Influence of the Wolf
    • Leading Beyond Orders: The Influence of Persuasive Leadership in Shaping Military Futures
    • Persuasion and Influence – Developing the Stealth Warrior

 American Enterprise Institute

 Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center (AFHSC)

  • Medical Surveillance Monthly Report (MSMR), September 2024, v. 31, no. 9 
    • Call for Papers: Empowering Military Women’s Mission— Focusing on Military Women’s Health and Its Impact on Readiness
    • Characteristics of Mpox Cases Diagnosed In Military Health System Beneficiaries, May 2022–April 2024
    • Brief Report: Incidence of Alopecia and Hair Loss Among Female Active Component Service Members, 2010–2022
    • Reportable Medical Events at Military Health System facilities Through Week 31, Ending August 3, 2024

 Asan Institute for Policy Studies

 Asia Foundation

 Asia Society Policy Institute

 ASUA Institute of Land Warfare

 Atlantic Council

 Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI)

 Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

 Brookings Institution

 Brown University Cost of War Project

 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

 Center for a New American Security (CNAS)

 Center for Advanced Defense (C4ADS) 

 Center for American Progress (CAP)

 Center for Climate and Security

 Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA)

 Center for Naval Analyses (CNA)

 Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET)

 Center for Security Studies (CSS)

 Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

 Centre for Applied Turkey Studies (CATS)

 Centre for Eastern Studies

 Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)

 Centre for European Reform (CER)

 Centre for High North Logistics (CHNL)

 Chicago Council on Global Affairs

 China Aerospace Studies Institute (CASI)

 Clingendael - Netherlands Institute of International Relations

 Combating Terrorism Center (CTC)

  • CTC Sentinel, October 2024, v. 17, no. 9 /
    • The October 7 Attack: An Assessment of the Intelligence Failings
    • A View from the CT Foxhole: Christopher O’Leary, Former FBI Counterterrorism Senior Executive and Director of Hostage Recovery
    • A Draw Is a Win: The Houthis After One Year of War
    • Tehran’s Tactical Knockout: Weaponized Pharmaceutical-Based Agents

 Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget

 Conference of Defense Associations

 Congressional Budget Office (CBO)

 Council on Geostrategy

 Defense Science Board (DSB)

 Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

 Department of Homeland Security Inspector General

  • OIG-24-62 DHS Partners Did Not Always Use DHS Technology to Obtain Emerging Threat Information 
  • OIG-24-64 Oversight Reports Identify Recurring Challenges with DHS Strategic Planning 
  • OIG-24-65 CBP, ICE, and TSA Did Not Fully Assess Risks Associated with Releasing Noncitizens without Identification into the United States and Allowing Them to Travel on Domestic Flights - (REDACTED) 

 Egmont: The Royal Institute for International Relations

 Energy Information Administration (EIA) 

 European Asylum Support Office (EASO)            

 European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats (Hybrid CoE)

 European Council on Foreign Relations

 European Policy Centre (EPC)

 European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA)

 European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS)

 Financial Action Task Force (FATF)

 Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA)

 Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI)

 Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD)

 Foundation for Strategic Research (Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique)  

 French Institute of International Relations (Institut Français des Relations Internationales)

 George Washington University Program on Extremism

 Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security (GIWPS)

 German Council on Foreign Relations (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e. V.)

 German Institute for International and Security Affairs (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik)

 German Marshall Fund of the United States

 Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime

 Global Network on Extremism & Technology (GNET)

 Government Accountability Office (GAO)

  • Conflict Minerals: Peace and Security in Democratic Republic of the Congo Have Not Improved with SEC Disclosure Rule GAO-25-107018 
  • DOD Financial Management: Action Needed to Enhance Workforce Planning GAO-25-105286 
  • Noncitizens in the U.S.: Public Information on Federal Incarcerations GAO-24-107598 
  • Preventing a Dirty Bomb: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Has Not Taken Steps to Address Certain Radiological Security Risks GAO-24-107014  

 Hague Centre for Strategic Studies  (HCSS)

 Harvard Law School

  • National Security Journal, 2024, v. 15, no. 2 
    • Large Constellations of Small Satellites: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly, and the Illegal
    • The Significance of a Judicial Power to Identify Major Questions and Shield State Secrets for the Future of Foreign Affairs and National Security Governance
    • Performative Economic Sanctions: How Sanctions Work Without Economic Harm

 Henry Jackson Society

 Henry L. Stimson Center

 Heritage Foundation

 Hudson Institute

 Human Rights Watch

 Information Technology & Innovation Foundation (ITIF)

 Institute for China-America Studies (ICAS)

 Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology (ICIT)

 Institute for Defence Studies & Analyses (IDSA)

 Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA)

 Institute for National Security Studies (INSS)

 Institute for Science and International Security

 Institute for Security & Development Policy (ISDP)  

 Institute for Security & Technology

 Institute for Security Studies [Africa]

 Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) 

 Institute for the Study of War

 Institute of International Affairs (Istituto Affari Internazionali)

 International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT)

 International Crisis Group

 International Forum for Democratic Studies

 International Peace Institute (IPI)

 Italian Institute for International Political Studies

 Jamestown Foundation

  • China Brief, October 4, 2024, v. 24, no. 19 
    • PRC at 75: Xi Makes Dour Address While Critics Articulate Bleak Outlook
    • Understanding the PRC’s Selective Use of Military Hotlines
    • Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics: PRC Consulate Gray Zone ‘Pop-up’ Events in New York and Beyond
    • The Qin Gang Saga Reveals Security Gaps
    • PRC Fertilizer Export Controls Provoke Derisking Abroad

 Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions

 Middle East Institute (MEI)

 Migration Policy Institute (MPI)

 Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI)

 Mitchell Institute


 National Academies Press

 National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR)

 National Institute for Public Policy (NIPP)

 Naval War College China Maritime Studies Institute (CMSI)

 New America

 Norwegian Institute for International Affairs (NUPI) 

 Observer Research Foundation

 Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) 

 Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

 Office of the Director of National Intelligence (IDNI)

 Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

 Overseas Development Institute (ODI)

 Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE)

 Pew Research Center

 Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft

 RAND Corporation

 Royal United Services Institute (RUSI)

 The Sentry

 Small Wars Journal

 Soufan Center

 Space Operations Command (SpOC)

 Special Inspector General Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR)

  • SIGAR 25-01-AR Rural Water Supply, Sanitation, and Hygiene in Afghanistan: USAID is Meeting Programming Goals but Could Be Providing Better Oversight 


 Stockholm Centre for Eastern European Studies (SCEEUS)

 Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)

 Taylor & Francis

 Toda Peace Institute

 US Institute of Peace (USIP)

 U.S. Marine Corps (USMC)

 V-Dem Institute

 Washington Institute

 White House

 Wilson Center